dijous, 28 d’octubre del 2010
Some advice for English language learners
Learning English is an easy work whether the learner is interested and implicated in the language which have to studied every day to able to be a good learner of English. English strategies are more common in all the languages and all the subjects that you try studying. When a person want to learn English must to know all the strategies to know the language completely. She or he have to know the strategies and other methods of study the English language. Therefore, you need to follow the different point that being raised and then to apply them when necessary.
One of the manners is to realize a test about your learning style. It consists in three modes of receiving information. You can be visual, auditory and kinaesthetic.
Visual means that you are a person who need to learn with the sense of sight because you learn with pictures, diagrams, graphics, photos and all the things in relation with the sight.
Auditory is a person who heard things like music, videos, films, stories, jokes, etc. This method is so easy to learn pronunciation.
Kinaesthetic reflects all the people who need to move your body, for example, in sporting activities, art and acting, some exercises which you use hands, etc.
The second method to learn English is when people need improving some of the English skills. for instance, when you are studying grammar, you have to try to learn some words a day and to do exercises every day. Also you can begin to write a personal diary in English. To the native people the listenings are easy to understand but for a foreigner is too difficult and most of people have problems with it. I recommend to listen a lot of videos while you read a text video, listen music and to see and heard so many English channels. If you are watching a video, you will keep the subtitles in the tv because is more easy to understand the film Another skill is speaking, this is more difficult because a child have more facilities to speak a language but an adult have a lot of problems with pronunciation and fluency. For this reasons, a good learner have to use English for as many conversations as you can with a native, to work in a shop and all the possible activities to talk The rest of the skills are reading and writing. To practice in readings or writings is necessary to understood the text and the grammar so you have to do some exercises such as read texts, write essays, biographies and find difficult words in a dictionary.
Meaning of words is more or less difficult to understand so you always can look up word in a dictionary but there are so many different kinds of dictionaries and you have
to be careful about which dictionary you have chosen. If you only want to find the translation there are different translation WebPages to translate in various languages. When you look up into a dictionary you can find examples, definitions, transcription, translation in other languages, exercises and answer, idioms, synonyms, antonyms, phrasal verbs, pronunciation, etymologies, nearby words, common expressions, phrases and grammatical constructs. Sometimes is more effectively to use the memory when you can’t use other strategies.
Memory is a good strategy to learn difficult points in English like irregular verbs. There are techniques to memorize better: get organized with the work, speak aloud when you are studying, write some times the same, using acronyms, associating ideas and items, the exaggeration, testing yourself as there are many English tests you can take online and also you can sing an invented song. There are so many strategies to learn English but the most important thing is the motivation, if you aren’t motivated, you can’t to learn English easily because when somebody wants to learn and study have an interest in some parts of the language.
The history and culture of Britain society and a person who loves history he can feel indentify in it and this is more easily to know and learn different aspects in English. If you try to watch a film in English about the history of great Britain or something like that you can learn more than cram all the things about history. All the strategies that mentioned are good but when somebody wants to learn really a language he needs to go abroad because this is the best form to take contact with native people and they help you to realize yourself that speak the language where you are living is very important to be able to survive in that country.
To sum up, when we start to study a new language, we have to follow all the instructions that are mentioned before. Such as, discover which is your learning style and then try to do some activities about that. After that, you can do different things like look up at the dictionary to find all the word aspects, practice with various techniques like memory and also you can perfect your English skills.
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